My name is Katerina. Let me tell you a story from Alor. I found about this beautiful region from my acquaintanceship on Facebook with Lukas, a student who lives in Kalabahi.
From the photos on his wall, I saw an exotic and secluded land in a eastern equatorial country. Sea men, surrounded by mysterious forests, and […]
Kakaban, a low, limestone island off the coast of eastern Borneo, holds a fascinating surprise : a brackish lake literally alive with jellyfish. The lake is totally unique – a biological paradise . – Dr. Thomas Tomascik (marine ecologist)
Pulau atoll sejenis itu hanya ada 2 di dunia. Salah satu di kepulauan Palau, Mikronesia, Pacific dan […]
Kapal MV Temukira melaju dengan gagahnya keluar dari pelabuhan Maumere, Flores menuju laut lepas. Udara panas dan terik membuat badan cepat terasa haus. Sementara di kejauhan awan bergulung gulung kelabu. Akankah hujan, begitu kami bertanya tanya. Sambil berjalan Chris, dive master kami memperkenalkan satu persatu seluruh awak kabin dan regulasi selama pelayaran ini. Liveaboard menuju […]
This a story taken from Richard Kurniawan’s journal during North Halmahera Photo Contest, April 2008.
Story by Ong Hock Chuan
Unspun was seduced by the words “exploratory dive trip” and signed up early for a 12-day liveaboard dive trip to explore Cenderawasih Bay in Papua.
Dunia Laut berisi kumpulan cerita dan foto-foto tentang kekayaan alam hayati lautan Indonesia.
Blog ini dikelola oleh Iman Brotoseno, PADI Dive Instructor.
© Dunia Laut. Design by Muhammad Zamroni.