My dive brief in Mimpang, Candidasa

Good Morning everyone. I hope you all had a good sleep last night. Ok, this our first dive for today in Topekong.
This site is called Mimpang. Local peoples say Three Rocks. Tiga Batu that because you see out there the three rocks that jut up between Topekong dan mainland. This will be deep dive and wall site, but more a very steep sloping reef than actual wall because covered with stony and soft corals.
You also see formation of table acropora around here.
The fish variety is excellent, blue spotted stingray, bignose unicorn fish, snapper, travelli, clown trigger fish, butterfly fish, napoleon wrasse, giant eel moray. Also watch white tip shark or even whale shark !

Beware of the current. Swells are less overwhelming than other site in Topekong, but still can be considerable. Beginner should take care. Sometimes temperature can be down to 18 C, but if we hit by thermocline, that can be increased to be warmer.

I will guide you to swim against current to the bottom. Straight to the bottom. Our entry point with this jukung, wind driven swell and big waves make this tricky. We do gear up the BCD in the water since the capacity of the jukung.

We are heading to the west into prevailing current, and the end of the dive yo don’t have to fight it. Don’t forget to check you air consumption, bottom time and remember, a safety stop. Max depth is 30 meter.
For emergency procedure, if you separate with your buddy, just join with other group or if you alone, go ascend. Remember the signal review. Low or run out of air. I will be around just in case you need buddy breathe.

Before we go, I recommend not to destroy our environment down there, by moving or damaging sensitive organism. Just taken nothing but picture. Leave nothing but bubbles and move nothing but themselves.
Again, do the predive safety check with your own gear.
Lets go !


  1. 0
    31 October 2008 14:42:21

    Anton Meang

    Dear Iman,

    Really good site..!!! Bravo..!!!

    Always wanted to dive Tepekong but never got around to doing it.

    Keep up the good work.



  2. 0
    17 July 2010 15:32:32


    wwah perjalanan yang menakjubkan….

  3. 0
    21 August 2024 17:42:10


    Анонимная сеть, давно стал знаменит как локация, в пределах которой дозволено приобрести фактически разнообразные предметы вместе с опции, в том числе подобные, которые находятся вне пределами легальности.

    Главным среди аналогичных незаконных опций является возможность достать права категории B согласно международной систематизации — класс “В”).

    Огромное число персон, заинтересованные обойти стандартных экзаменов и пренебречь предписания, анализируют шанс достать свидетельства категории В на анонимной сети.

    Однако аналогичная достижение включает в себя с многочисленными рисками вместе с юридическими исходами, которые превратиться значительно драматичнее, в сравнении с обычная безуспешная операция.



Dunia Laut berisi kumpulan cerita dan foto-foto tentang kekayaan alam hayati lautan Indonesia.

Blog ini dikelola oleh Iman Brotoseno, PADI Dive Instructor.

© Dunia Laut. Design by Muhammad Zamroni.